Thursday, September 6, 2007

Resume writing tips

Resume writing is one of the most important tools in your job search. On this site, we give you the basic, insider information about resume writing, you need to make sure you are the one who gets that job interview by showing you how to write a perfect resume.

Writing a great resume does not necessarily mean you should follow the rules you hear through the grapevine. It does not have to be one page or follow a specific resume format. Every resume is a one-of-a-kind marketing communication. It should be appropriate to your situation and do exactly what you want it to do. Instead of a bunch of rules and tips, we are going to cut to the chase in this brief guide and offer you the most basic principles of writing a highly effective resume.

When putting together your resume, evaluate the needs of the employer and then determine how you can fill those needs. If you have access to a computer (which you do if you are reading this article) and a quality printer, you can design a targeted resume for every job for which you apply. If you have to mass produce your resume, you will have to do a little guesswork to come up with one that will impress everyone.
Choosing a Resume Format
Next you must determine what type of resume format to use. There are three basic types: chronological, functional, and a combination of the two. The following sections will explain what each of these types are and when to choose one type over another.
Chronological Resume
The chronological resume is probably the one with which most people are familiar. On it, work experience is listed in reverse chronological order (most recent job first). The period of time during which you were employed is listed first, followed by the name of the employer and then the employer's location. A description for each job is also included. Following work history is a section on education. If you are trying to show career growth, a chronological resume may be the way to go. If your most recent job is store manager, while the one before that is department manager, and the one before that is sales clerk, you can show a history of promotion. However, if your work history has been spotty or if it has been stagnant you shouldn't use a chronological resume. If you are changing careers, a chronological resume is not for you either.
Functional Resume
A functional resume categorizes skills by function, emphasizing your abilities. This is useful if you are changing careers and want to show how you can transfer your skills. As stated previously, it is important to show prospective employers what you can offer them. A functional resume does just that. A functional job objective is given first, followed by several paragraphs, each discussing a different job function. Examples of functions are: Supervision and Management, Accounting, and Writing and Editing. Begin with the one you want to emphasize most. If you are customizing your resume for different employers, you can change your functional job objective as well as the order in which you list the functions. However, if you don't list your previous jobs, the person reviewing your resume may be suspicious.
Combination Resume
A combination resume is exactly what it sounds like — it combines a functional resume with a chronological one. An objective is listed at the top, after your name and address, of course. Following that are paragraphs describing job functions. A section titled "Employment Experience" comes next. That is where the chronological part of the resume comes in. List employers and dates in this section. Do not offer further descriptions here as you have already described your abilities in the functional part of this resume. This is a useful format if you are changing careers but have a solid employment history. I also find it useful if your job duties on a single job were very diverse and you want to stress your various abilities. If you spent a long time at one job but moved up through the company, you might want to use a combination resume.

Writing a Good Resume

This section of best resume writing will show you what steps you need to take for writing a good resume. Take your time to read these steps. Take around 3 hours to write your resume. (Yes. Resume writing should take around 3 hours of your time). Follow these step and you are on your track to get good interview calls.

The purpose of a resume

A resume or curriculum vitae is a window to you, your personality and your skill sets. Its raisin d'etre is to convince a recruiter that you deserve to be called for an interview. It should present you in the best possible light and convince a prospective employer that you can add value to the company.

It should tantalize enough to make an employer pick up the phone and dial your number. Your resume should not simply inform; it should also excite a would-be employer.

The resume can also act as a sample of your skills. If done well, it can show how you can organize a large amount of data in a few words. It can also showcase your skills if you plan to opt for a career in designing, advertising or copy writing.

Here are points you must definitely include:

i. Experience in your profession

Give valuable insights; for example, if you are in the advertising industry, you could mention the big players and important names you have worked with.

ii. Skills gained in the field

Apart from skills you are expected to gain in your field of work, do highlight skills you may have picked up as extras. For example, if you are a teacher, your expected skills would include your command over the language concerned, the ability to handle students and your knowledge about the subject concerned.

However, if you are also involved in organizing workshops for teachers, you can also mention your ability to organize events and liaison effectively.

iii. General skills

This could include interpersonal skills, a knowledge of computers, etc. If you know computer packages apart from MS Office, such as Photoshop and Adobe page maker, and if you know how to make a Powerpoint presentation, do mention it. Many recruiters are on the look out for personnel who can multi-task.

iv. Accomplishments in concrete terms

Mention successful projects that you have handled/ been part of.

Focus on career progression, especially if you have been promoted in a short space of time.

If you have won any award or citation such as Best Employee Of The Month, mention it; this will present you in a positive light.

v. Academic record

Give your record in reverse chronological order, mentioning your most recent qualification first.

Packaging and content
Packaging is as important as content -- both should go hand in hand.

* Your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address should lead your resume.
* The format you use should be consistent. Do not use too many stylistic fonts and don't change the font size too often.
* The first impression is the last impression, so the first few lines must be really impressive. List about three to four major skills and two achievements in the first summary section. The qualities you focus on should be compelling, not generalised.
* Using a job objective as a starting point is a good focal point. Here is an example:
Job objective: Senior-level assignments in the area of logistics and supply chain management in the Office Automation, IT/ Telecom industry in a dynamic organization.
* What a prospective employer really wants to know is what you can do for them. Instead of just listing your achievements, try and tailor your resume to the needs of the company concerned. It may simply mean changing a few lines here and there on a resume you have already created.
* Don't be too humble. You have to sell yourself. Nobody else is going to do it for you. Give concrete achievements. For example, if you increased sales by six percent or created a database of clients, mention it instead of making generalized statements like 'used problem-solving skills' or 'created aggressive marketing strategies' that do not speak of actual results.
* If you have progressed up the ladder in a particular company, you need to point this out. For example, if you joined as a trainee and were then promoted to a managerial level within two years, mention it instead of simply saying you are a manager.

What to avoid
* Lousy spellings are a real put-off. Talk about your career prospects instead of your 'carrier' prospects.
* Standardize your language. Use either American English or British English, not a sprinkling of both.
* Don't exaggerate your skills. It may get you the job, but you will have difficulty retaining the post if you cannot deliver.
* Don't talk about unrealistic goals: 'I want to progress from a cub reporter to a reporter independently handling a political beat' is realistic, while 'I aim to be editor of the newspaper soon,' is highly unrealistic.

Last But not least Do consult the experienced people of how to write one & do show them an final draft of it since they will point out mistakes & will give solid advice how to improve it !!